
My journey with art started as a child, going through to my teens with Pottery classes. It consisted less of wheel work but more so free play and within the small group it felt very much like I was adventuring. In 1996 aged twelve I acquired a traumatic brain injury which still impacts me greatly. The focus in recovery was very much learning to use every muscle in my body and communication - initially without speech. I had to learn to solely use my non dominant hand and arm.
Art was farthest from my mind in my mid twenties when I attended an art group. I needed interaction and to get out of the house. Owing I believe to the precision and concentration involved in merely holding a pencil and then marking paper my art quickly progressed and it became "stylised" by my difficulty presented from the quickly fatigued control of my hand and arm. For example creating obstacles to drawing solid lines.
I am untrained, and uncertain of what I intend when I start the process but I will find beauty, or gain intrigue with all my muses. An expression, a pose, an aura! I find beauty in life and people fascinate me. Everyone has a beauty and I love it if I can capture an emotion or wonderful thought.